Hey there!

As I've been producing really slowly lately I must keep you fed with some good indie video games! There's Iconic Games that, unlike me, has been producing many good video games.

I invite you to see what they produce as every time I see their new creation I feel they're getting better and better!

Support indie game dev!
I've just started on some new animations for another pixel art game. For those who follow my blog, yeah I know, I've been gone for quite a long time as I've got a new job and moved to another city, anyway I'm back!   :)

So I've tried to make it smoother and better than I did before in the game Monster Town. I've been using bigger size too as it gives me a little more space to do some details.

You can write about what you'd like me to change or add him a little more details, especially on his body, I feel it's empty (it has to be symmetrical as I'll use the same animation when he runs to the left).

I was thinking about two swords on his back as Leo has in TMNT but we've seen it too many time already!

So, help me out and comment on it!
Hey everybody!

I just came here to post about my friend's new blog which is very interesting and original. It talks about two things everybody loves so there's no chance you might find it boring!

Game and beer might be the perfect mix possible!

Enjoy! :)
Hey everybody!

You can play go play my last mini-game finally!!! :)

So you just have to go click HERE as there's an ad that will give me a little money lol!

No but seriously, you can go HERE which will have no ads and the exclusivity of the unlocked survival mode!